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Webinar 04 Oct, 2022

IUCN Webinar Series: The last sprint to CBD COP15

In an effort to help solve some of the contentious issues of the negotiations and to clarify the technical aspects around the questions at hand, IUCN’s International Policy Centre planned a series of webinars around the CBD post-2020 global biodiversity framework in the lead-up to and following COP15.

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The science is clear. Our window of opportunity to halt and reverse biodiversity loss is narrowing by the minute. Impacts related to nature degradation are becoming more evident across all regions — from pandemics, to species extinctions and declining ecosystem services — and are expected to worsen if we continue business as usual.

We need decisive and transformative action to respond to the multiple challenges that society is facing nowadays, and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework needs to reflect this. 

The series presented key priorities for the post-2020 framework, unpacked certain elements in the current Goals and Targets, emphasising their scientific underpinnings, and provided a space for discussion among negotiators, experts and key stakeholders.

February 28 

COP 15 is over, now what? Translating the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 

​After a global pandemic and 4 years of negotiations and consultations, Parties adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) as part of a ‘package’ of 6 decisions to support its implementation, including decisions on the monitoring framework, capacity building, resource mobilisation, planning monitoring and review, and digital sequence information (DSI). The time now is for implementation. The IUCN Programme, Nature 2030, sets its ambition in a decadal timeframe (2021 – 2030) and provides a roadmap for the Union that significantly contributes to the Goals and Targets set in the KM-GBF.

This event, the last of the series “The last sprint to COP15”, will provide participants IUCN’s take on the new framework, highlight how the IUCN Programme and tools contribute to its implementation. IUCN experts will discuss some ongoing work and future plans for reaching Targets closest to IUCN’s heartland.


  • The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework : IUCN’s take - Sonia Peña Moreno, Director, International Policy Centre
  • How can IUCN’s Programme and tools contribute to the implementation of the GBF
    • Nature 2030 and IUCN Resolutions - Victoria Romero, Policy Officer, Biodiversity
    • Spatial planning and Restoration (targets 1 and 2) -  Marcos Valderrabano, Programme Manager, Red List of Ecosystems
    • 30 x 30 (target 3)  - Swati Hingorani, 30x30 coordinator and Stephen Woodley, Thematic Vice Chair, Science and Biodiversity Policy 
    • Species targets (targets 4, 5 and 6) - Dao Nguyen, Senior Advisor, Species Conservation Policy
    • Nature based Solutions (targets 8 and 11) Veronica Ruiz, Programme Manager, EcoDRR
    • Contributions for Nature Platform - Laure Denos, Senior Science Policy Expert
  • Q&A / Discussion - moderated by Céline Preitner
  • Closing Remarks - Sonia Peña Moreno, Director, International Policy Centre

October 4

How to achieve Species Goals and Targets of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework?