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Call for Contributions to the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 now open
The IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 will bring together several thousand leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, business, and academia with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing the solutions nature offers to global challenges. This is an opportunity not to be missed!
If you want to be part of the 2016 Congress and host an event during the Forum, the Call for Contributions is your opportunity to seize! You have from now until 15 October 2015 to submit your proposal!

There are a total of 560 slots available for hosting an event during the Forum (135 workshops, 200 Knowledge Café sessions, 200 posters and 25 training courses at the Conservation Campus). This is a competitive process and successful events must meet a series of criteria to make it to the final Congress programme. For more information on the criteria, click here.
The full list of selection criteria can be found in the Outline of the Call for Contribution, together with some guidance on how to submit a successful proposal. Make sure you read this outline before submitting your proposal.
Ready to go?
Great! Just click on the link below to be redirected to the Congress Portal. This is where all the action will take place. You will be able to check proposals already submitted by other people, contact these people to see if you can partner with them, or create and manage your own proposals. Good luck with developing your proposal and… see you in Hawai‘i!

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