Shehri: Citizens for a Better Environment

Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment was formed in 1988 (based in Karachi City), as a non-political, non-commercial, non-governmental organization (under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860) by a group of concerned citizens to provide the citizens with a platform to effectively voice their concerns in determining their future and taking action in arresting the deterioration in their living environment and proper reform with a view to improve the same. The first ‘Seminar’ held by Shehri-CBE (November 3, 1988) very adequately identified the future contours that set the foundations for the organizations trail blazing work in the area of urban land management and governance with the primary focus of attention being Karachi City – Pakistan’s largest city that supports a population of over 18 million.

Member at a glance

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Shehri: Citizens for a Better Environment
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