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Association for Forests, Development and Conservation

AFDC is a local environmental NGO established in 1994 that is interested in the sustainable livelihoods of rural communities while being heavily invested in conservation of forests and natural resources. Central to AFDC’s mission is the achievement of sustainable development and conservation of natural resources at the local and national levels. For this aim AFDC maintains four complementary programs that strive to bring its vision and mission into life and these programs are: 1) Nature and conservation; 2) sustainable development; 3) outreach, communication and advocacy; and 4) research and project development. AFDC implements its various programs and projects in partnership and collaboration with the civil society groups including NGOs, youth groups and local authorities. At the national level, AFDC works in partnership with various ministers such as the Ministries of agriculture, education, environment, interior, among others. AFDC is also a member of the IUCN (International Union for conservation of Nature) and AFED (Arab Forum for Environment and Development) and closely works with local and international environmental organisms such as WWF (World Wildlife Fund for Nature), ARC (Alliance for Religious Conservation, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and many others. AFDC works at the national level in more than 15 different locations in the Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon and South Lebanon through voluntary units of up to 500 volunteers.