Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland

Regionaal Landschap Kempen and Maasland is a non-profit organisation involved in durable, regional development in 12 municipalities. We try to improve the quality of nature and landscape. We invite people to explore our beautiful region: the vast heather of the National Park Hoge Kempen, the mysterious swamp in Kempen~Broek and the impressive river Maas at the Maas valley. Admiration of visitors is essential for nature conservation and durable development of the region.(picture:E.Christis). On July 1st, 1990 the Regionaal Landschap Hoge Kempen officially kicked off. The initiative found its origin in the cooperation between ‘Natuurreservaten’ (now ‘Natuurpunt’, a nature organization) and the former ‘Kempense Steenkoolmijnen NV (Coalmines of the Campine)’. Within the scope of the so called “reconversion of Limburg”, on the council of the province has been very supportive from the start. Soon after, 12 municipalities and 9 nature organizations joined their ranks. Later on the government, through the department of nature, offered financial aid. The name changed to Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland, to better incorporate the important geographical operational areas: the ‘Kempens Plateau’ and the valley of the ‘Grensmaas’. The inspiration for the foundation of a non-profit organization came from the bordering countries: the German ‘Naturparken’, and the French ‘Parcs Naturels Regionaux’. In 1997 the Flemish concept of a regional landscape gained a juridical base in the new Decree for Natural conservation and environment.

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Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland
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