Story | 05 Oct, 2016

Introducing Macedonian Ecological Society, IUCN’s new Member

Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) is a national conservation organization created in 1972, that promotes good conservation practices in Macedonia in order to assure sustainable use of resources, protection of its environment and the preservation of its rich biodiversity.

“Our mission is in fact well aligned with IUCN’s activities that are of course more global”, says Dime Melovski, MES Programme manager. “We can benefit from this membership by attending various courses, workshops and trainings organized by IUCN which will directly increase our capacities in various conservation-related topics”, concludes Melovski.

MES gathers about 100 active members - experts working in many areas of ecology and environmental protection such as fundamental ecology (terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems), biodiversity, agroecology, landscape ecology, pollution, monitoring, measures for the protection of environment, ecological education etc.

MES is announcing the V Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia with International Participation, that will be held 19-22 October 2016 in Ohrid, Macedonia. For more information please check the First Congress Announcement

The operational office of MES works mostly on conserving biodiversity and IUCN is seen as a direct partner for assessing species conservation statuses and publishing the national IUCN Red Lists of Threatened Species. By joining IUCN, the member benefits from IUCN's scientific credibility, its unsurpassed knowledge base and convening power, extensive networking opportunities and access to high-level political, economic and social decision making. IUCN extends a very warm welcome to MES and looks forward to future cooperation. 


For the purpose of this article the name Macedonia has been used to refer to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.