Green Ghana Day puts trees in the ground
A lot of trees. IUCN and supporting organisations including the Diplomatic Corps, joined Ghanaians all over the country to plant trees on Green Ghana Day (11th June, 2021). A fun day. An important mission.

IUCN joined millions of Ghanaians, led by H.E. the President of the Republic of Ghana, and supporting organisations including the Diplomatic Corps, to plant trees as part of Green Ghana Day. June 11th was designated Green Ghana Day by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources with a target to plant and nurture 5 million trees across the country.
The initiative is aligned with the Ghana Forest Plantation Strategy (2016 – 2040) and Ghana’s national commitments or pledges to various international agreements, including the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) and the Bonn Challenge. The Green Ghana Day initiative will also contribute to national efforts aimed at attaining the SDGs, amongst other envisaged benefits.
IUCN contributed to the organisation and planning of this event by serving on the operations sub-committee. Additionally, under the auspices of the UNCCD funded Sahel Opportunities Project, IUCN donated fruit tree seedlings worth GHS 20,000 for planting in communities in the Upper East Region, which is one of the target regions under the project.

Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources coverage of the day's events.
For more information: Saadia.Bobtoya<a>