Story | 11 Dec, 2018

New IUCN Report Card highlights risks to Corsican marine environment

While the coastline is currently a driving force economic development in Corsica, it appears particularly vulnerable to direct and indirect effects of climate change.

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Photo: Gérard Pergent

Its ability to respond to pressures and stressors, particularly those affecting water resources, will largely depend on the proper functioning of the coastal basin ecosystems. The marine environment is projected to be particularly impacted, whether in terms of seawater quality, conservation of ecosystems or the health and abundance of the species that it shelters. These are the findings of an IUCN Report Card on the state of the Corsican marine environment that concludes that the likely and predictable impacts of climate change must be factored into coastal development strategies of Corsica, especially those covering erosion, sea level rise, management of living resources and tourism.