Story 19 Jan, 2022

WWF Travel will bring MEET ecotourism experiences to new markets

MEET Network ecotourism experiences will be sold to the Italian market through WWF Travel, building on work achieved in ENI CBC Med and Interreg Med sustainable tourism projects.

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Photo: MEET Network ecotourism

The Mediterranean Experience for Ecotourism Network (MEET Network) is partnering up with conservation travel experts WWF Travel. WWF Travel will be including MEET’s diverse portfolio of ecotourism experiences in their catalogue of conservation-focused tours, available on their website. 

MEET´s ecotourism experiences, also known as ´ecotourism products´ span across six Mediterranean countries including Albania, Croatia, Greece, France, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia. 

Each MEET experience focuses on exploring a different Mediterranean natural park and has been collaboratively developed by tourism and conservation experts alongside local communities. Each experience has undergone robust quality and sustainability testing through the MEET Ecotourism Standard.

MEET experiences include a range of exciting and unique activities from snorkeling in Croatia´s stunning Kornati Islands, to trekking in the beautiful regions of Vlorë and Shkodra in Albania and discovering the cedar trees of Al Shouf Biosphere Reserve in Lebanon. 

wwf travel MEET Network
wwf travel MEET Network

¨We are very pleased to announce this partnership with WWF Travel. MEET is a conservation project at heart and our aim is to demonstrate the value of Mediterranean natural parks through ecotourism that is sustainable and provides benefits to local communities ¨ - Carla Danelutti, MEET Network Executive Secretary.

MEET and WWF Travel come from similar nature conservation backgrounds and are both committed to developing tourism that helps to protect nature and ensures that the positive impacts of this tourism directly benefit local communities. 

The packages created as part of the MEET Network represent an extraordinary opportunity and resource for WWF Travel; we are very glad to make them available to ecotourism travel enthusiasts in Italy. We will give them maximum visibility to bring sustainable tourism to the destinations chosen by  MEET ” – Gianluca Mancini WWF Travel Director.

ENI CBCMED MEET Project and Interreg Med Programme DestiMED project laid the foundations for MEET Network to become a formal association in 2018 by developing a unique approach to ecotourism development that has now been tried and tested in over 40 Mediterranean protected areas. 

wwf travel MEET Network
wwf travel MEET Network

wwf travel MEET Network
wwf travel MEET Network
The MEET packages have been named by WWF Travel “Esperienze Mediterranee” (Mediterranean Experiences) and are already available through their website: 

MEET Catalogue: Nature and Culture Itineraries Designed by Mediterranean Parks
MEET Catalogue: Nature and Culture Itineraries Designed by Mediterranean Parks





Download the MEET Catalogue: Nature and Culture Itineraries Designed by Mediterranean Parks


For more information, please contact Carla Danelutti