Story | 23 Sep, 2014

A habitat for 14 species of Orchid found on Holcim Land, Lebanon

A biodiversity assessment carried out over a one year span has provided full records of the variety of basically floral species that are found on Holcim Land, Lebanon. A specific concentration was given to the Orchid species which are equivalent to 16% of the Orchid diversity in Lebanon.

Through a project funded by Holcim, IUCN ROWA has conducted a base line biodiversity assessment on a Holcim Site in Kafarhazir , Lebanon. A conservation action plan to declare this site a protected area is the aim. The main goal is to ensure that orchid conservation is promoted by a wide range of people and organizations in Lebanon.

What makes this site special, is that an equivalent of 16% of orchid biodiversity in Lebanon is found there, therefore called an orchid shelter for more than 10 species. An orchid protected area would be rewarding for more than one reason; the first precedence of orchid acknowledgment on the east Mediterranean and the MENA region. This will also be presented as the first site flagged for orchid conservation were spreading awareness on orchid, their life cycle and ecological value will be used for future research.

The report will be available in print and online soon.

For more information, kindly contact
Hany El Shaer – Programme Manager