Story | 01 Feb, 2017

IUCN welcomes Fiji’s new Environment Director

Fiji’s Department of Environment (DOE) will continue to engage with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to address the country’s environmental commitments. This was highlighted during a briefing to welcome Fiji’s new Director of Environment.

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Photo: IUCN Oceania

Fiji will continue to reach out to IUCN, not only through finance mechanisms but also in terms of technical expertise”, Director, Sandeep Singh stated during the briefing.

The IUCN Oceania Regional Office, Regional Programme Coordinator Mason Smith, who led the briefing, highlighted the need to strengthen communications and look into ways of how Fiji and IUCN could continue to work together and achieve tangible outcomes through partnership. IUCN greatly values its partnership with the Department of Environment as a state member and looks forward to working closely with the Department and other Fiji-based IUCN members like the National Trust of Fiji and the University of the South Pacific in achieving our shared conservation goals. IUCN stands ready to assist the DOE and Fiji in achieving some of its Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Targets and will work collaboratively with all stakeholders in other areas including the Paris Agreement”, Smith said.

Also attending the briefing was IUCN Oceania’s Strategic Partnerships Advisor, Solstice Middleby, who briefed the Director on the progress IUCN was making in developing its Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Global Climate Fund (GCF) portfolios. IUCN is excited to be working with Pacific Island countries to access finance through these global mechanisms. We believe the strong policy commitments from the regions governments and technical expertise within our regional partners create the perfect partnerships to develop innovative high impact programs to deliver for our people and environment.” Middleby said.

The Government of Fiji is a state member of IUCN and has been since 2009. IUCN is an accredited entity under the GCF and the GEF.


For more information, please contact: Mason Smith, Regional Programme Coordinator, IUCN Oceania. Email: