Story | 08 Oct, 2018

CEESP Member Accomplishments - Fall 2018

We would like to highlight recent professional achievements made by our accomplished CEESP members! 

Congratulations to...

Robert Ddamulira       Photo: Robert Ddamulira

Robert Ddamulira for being elected president of the University of Delaware Energy and Environmental Policy Graduate Student Association! He also won an inter-disciplinary research fellowship from the US National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), University of Maryland/National Science Foundation in Annapolis, MD. The fellowship covered one week's training on tools and methods in applying socio-ecological synthesis and interdisciplinary research. More about SESYNC here; Robert can be reached at 


Headshot of Keith Sommerville       Photo: Keith Sommerville
Keith Somerville who is expecting his book, Humans and Lions: Conflict, Conservation and Coexistence, to be completed in January 2019 and published by Routledge's Environmental Humanities series. It deals with the history of human-lion conflict from the Pleistocene to the present, tracing the evolution of the relationship as modern humans and lions evolved from their ancestral species. It looks at the common factors in coexistence and which led to conflict over the millennia and how these have changed as human society developed and technology-enabled people to kill lions with decreasing danger to themselves and in large numbers.  The book deals with the subject on a chronological basis but will look in detail at current threats to lion survival from human expansion, bushmeat hunting, habitat loss and direct killing of lions resulting from conflict.  The focus includes how people have to live alongside lions and means of avoiding or ameliorating conflict, including in-depth coverage of sustainable conservation approaches. 


Salam Rajesh       Photo: Salam Rajesh
Salam Rajesh, who was appointed by the government of Manipur to be a member of the technical committee of the Manipur State Wetlands Authority, and a member of the Loktak Development Authority for the next three years. The technical committee is tasked with reviewing brief documents, management plans, and advising on any technical matters. 





Dr. Patricia Dunne       Photo: Patricia Dunne
Dr. Patti Dunne who was chosen to join the 4th cohort of the Homeward Bound Project. She joins 94 other women scientists from all disciplines who were chosen based on their potential to lead, influence, and contribute to decision making about the future of our planet. Her cohort will complete a 12-month intensive program focusing on leadership development, strategic capability, collaboration, and communication. The program concludes with a 3-week expedition to Antartica, where she will study the effects of global climate change in the most rapidly warming location on the planet.