IUCN SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group

IUCN SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group

project image

Overview and description

Asian Rhinos are threatened by the loss of forest, grasslands and marshland, usually caused by logging, agriculture or house-building. The IUCN SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG) fosters ...

Asian Rhinos are threatened by the loss of forest, grasslands and marshland, usually caused by logging, agriculture or house-building. The IUCN SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG) fosters conservation and management of three species of Asian Rhinos and their habitats.

Group leadership


Bibhab Talukdar is a conservation biologist and involved in field research and applied conservation measures to secure rhinos in Asia. He is one of the founders of Aaranyak, a NGO based in India and currently the Secretary General & CEO of the organisation. He is also the Senior Advisor to International Rhino Foundation for Asian Rhinos

Bibhab Talukdar is a conservation biologist and involved in field research and applied conservation measures to secure rhinos in Asia. He is one of the founders of Aaranyak, a NGO based in India and ...

Dr Susie ELLIS
Red List Authority Coordinator