IUCN SSC Salmonid Specialist Group

Overview and description
Group leadership
Dr Peter RAND
Dr Steven WEISS
I have been teaching and researching for over 30 years in varied sectors of ecology and evolution, with an emphasis on aquatic systems, fish, conservation and genetics
More about the Specialist Group
The IUCN SSG is composed of a diverse set of specialists with many years of research and conservation experience. We currently have 24 members representing 11 countries in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Our membership includes academics, representatives from NGOs, and government agencies. Our current leadership structure includes a Chair, two Regional Chairs (Atlantic and Pacific), and a Red List Authority Coordinator.

Identify, assess status, describe key threats, and act to protect the diversity of populations and life histories of salmonids (fishes in the family Salmonidae) throughout their native range in the Northern Hemisphere and work to reduce or mitigate negative effects caused by introduced salmonids around the world.
We continue to support efforts in research and conservation of salmonids, and investing time to strengthen partnerships throughout the world.
Specialist Group work
Expand the quality and content of species status assessments
Thirty-five species are currently undergoing final review for the IUCN Red List.
SSG on the IUCN Red List
To inform conservation efforts, SSG assesses species for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Annual Report
Learn about SSG’s work and results in 2023.
Previous reports:
SSG Annual Report 2022
SSG Annual Report 2021
SSG Annual Report 2020
Projects of the Specialist Group
- Red List workshop to reassess Hucho spp. and Parahucho perryi, scheduled for spring 2023 in Japan.
- First IUCN range-wide assessment of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.
- Compiling data necessary for range-wide assessment Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha.