IUCN WCPA Freshwater Specialist Group
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IUCN WCPA Freshwater Specialist Group

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Overview and description

The Freshwater Specialist Group conducts research, conservation, and outreach to ensure the diversity of Earth’s freshwater ecosystems are represented in the global protected area network so their ...

The Freshwater Specialist Group conducts research, conservation, and outreach to ensure the diversity of Earth’s freshwater ecosystems are represented in the global protected area network so their functions are sustained or restored, and there is sufficient knowledge about these ecosystems so they are properly managed within protected areas. This SG is divided into 4 sub-groups.

Group leadership


Harmony has 15 years of experience in conservation science, policy and management of rare species. She has primarily worked in Central America, Southeast Asia and the U.S. She spent six years in the Mekong River Basin, directing and implementing conservation focused on freshwater biodiversity. She received a Master of Public Administration degree in Environmental Science and Policy from Columbia University. Her PhD thesis was undertaken at the Australian Rivers Institute, and focused on development of modern and ancient environmental DNA methods to assess distribution patterns of rare fish and river biodiversity. She serves on the IUCN Species Survival Commission's Freshwater Conservation Committee and Freshwater Fish Specialist Group. She is also the Co-Chair of the Freshwater Specialist Group for the World Commission on Protected Areas.

Harmony has 15 years of experience in conservation science, policy and management of rare species. She has primarily worked in Central America, Southeast Asia and the U.S. She spent six years in the ...

My research focuses on Pacific salmonids, multiscale aquatic ecosystem assessments over time, effects of disturbances on aquatic ecosystems and native biota, community-based conservation planning, and aquatic biodiversity. I particularly enjoy opportunities to work in multi-disciplinary groups that allow the complexity of the natural world to be more fully represented in research questions and studies. I also serve as the co-chair of the Freshwater Specialist Group for the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), part of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
My research focuses on Pacific salmonids, multiscale aquatic ecosystem assessments over time, effects of disturbances on aquatic ecosystems and native biota, community-based conservation planning, and ...