Thematic Vice Chair, Scaling Natural Solutions. Brent A. Mitchell serves as a Vice Chair of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and is Senior Vice President of QLF Atlantic Center for the ...
IUCN WCPA Harmonizing Classifications and Nomenclature Task force

Overview and description
PAs, OECMs, ICCAs, ACCs, IPAs… Oh my! This task force seeks to harmonize diverse types, nomenclatures and approaches of area-based conservation through a multivariate, relational comparison of types ...
Group leadership
Mr Brent Mitchell
Thematic Vice Chair, Scaling Natural Solutions. Brent A. Mitchell serves as a Vice Chair of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and is Senior Vice President of QLF Atlantic Center for the Environment. Under the theme of Scaling Natural Solutions, Brent manages WCPA’s response to the 30x30 biodiversity challenge on behalf of IUCN, the largest conservation alliance in the world. Brent began his career living in the Caribbean and Latin America, contributing to the development of the first national parks in Haiti and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and conducting field research in wildlife ecology in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. After working at the nexus of nature conservation and civil society in Central and Eastern Europe in the early 1990s, and later in the Balkans, his career took him to other regions of the world. Particularly interested in governance in conservation and environmental issues, he led WCPA’s Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship for its first 14 years. He is a founding member of the National Park Service Stewardship Institute, a collaborative for change helping to move U.S. protected area management in new directions.
There is currently a great deal of uncertainty around how a growing proliferation of types (or classifications) of area-based conservation (PAs, OECMs, ICCAs, ACCs, IPAs, etc.) relate to each other, and thus how they should be used or selected to achieve positive outcomes for nature. For example, despite best efforts to communicate about OECMs, some people equate them with protected area category V (and VI), or sometimes as privately protected areas. Perhaps more concerning, some might argue that further protected areas are not needed if the same areas can be recognized as OECMs instead. The importance of IPLCs in conservation is increasingly understood and valued, but the place of “territories of life” within the spectrum of area-based conservation remains unsettled. The fit of restoration sites (GBF Target 2) is not at all clear, nor that of spatially explicit nature-based solutions. Growing commitments to a 30x30 target make this an excellent time to address these issues and bring greater clarity and coherence to understanding and practice.
There are parallels here in the work IUCN WCPA undertook 20 years ago to clarify protected area management names and standardize labels of categories, beginning with the Speaking a common language study and resulting in the Guidelines for applying protected area management categories. The present task widens the lens beyond protected areas to all sorts of area-based conservation.