Stephanie Mansourian has been an environmental consultant for close to 20 years and is also a research associate with Geneva University and an external scientific collaborator with Lausanne University ...
IUCN WCPA Restoration Task Force

Overview and description
The Task Force on Restoration and Area-based Conservation aims to strengthen knowledge and develop guidance to improve restoration implementation in the framework of the CBD Targets 1-3. It intends to ...
Group leadership
Stephanie Mansourian has been an environmental consultant for close to 20 years and is also a research associate with Geneva University and an external scientific collaborator with Lausanne University (both in Switzerland). Her work in the last 20 years has spanned several environmental topics, including forest restoration, REDD+, environmental governance, protected areas, sustainability partnerships, air pollution, among others. She was at the forefront of the development of forest landscape restoration (FLR) at the time when she was managing WWF’s related programme. Since then, and based on her observations of FLR programmes and projects, she carried out her PhD specifically on governance challenges related to FLR, an issue that is gaining increasing recognition in broader ecosystem restoration. In her work, she takes an integrated approach and seeks to span disciplines wherever possible. As a consultant her clients include NGOs, environmental conventions, UN agencies and foundations. She is also a board member of the Society for Ecological Restoration and a deputy coordinator for the IUFRO Task Force on “Transforming forest landscapes for future climates and human well-being” as well as serving on the board of a Swiss environmental foundation.
Today as Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) seek to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), it appears all the more important to coordinate and identify synergies between different targets as well as with other conventions (notably those on climate change and desertification). Although Target 2 focuses specifically on restoration, the important role of restoration appears across targets 1-3 and should be fully considered in efforts to meet these targets using an area-based lens. Other relevant targets include Targets 4, 8, 11 and 12 of the GBF.
The task force will produce three sets of outputs: technical guidance notes, policy briefs and scientific articles in response to identified needs.

Restoration Task Force Fact Sheet
Draft list of restoration guidance of relevance to protected areas
Putting People at the Center of Ecosystem Restoration