Candice Stevens leads the Sustainable Finance Coalition and is Co-Chair of the IUCN WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group. Candice is a visionary in green finance and sustainable solutions and ...
IUCN WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group
Overview and description
The IUCN WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group identifies, shares, and pioneers finance solutions for protected and conserved areas in an integrated manner across conservation land and seascapes.
...Group leadership
Ms Candice STEVENS
Candice Stevens leads the Sustainable Finance Coalition and is Co-Chair of the IUCN WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group. Candice is a visionary in green finance and sustainable solutions and leverages her expertise to find and design innovative finance solutions for preserving our natural landscapes and seascapes and benefiting the people that are their custodians.
David Meyers is the Executive Director of the Conservation Finance Alliance. He is an environmental finance expert and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in sustainability, business strategy and management, environmental economics, international conservation and development, environmental impact assessment, training, education and research in ecology and evolution. From 2012 until 2018, David was a Sr. Technical Advisor for the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN/UNDP). David has launched and managed various companies including a financial services company providing online marketplaces for impact investing and environmental assets, a triple-bottom-line bamboo-flooring manufacturer in Madagascar, and a technology incubator. At the CFA David has led the creation of the CFA Incubator and the Investment Plan for the Global Fund for Coral Reefs. David has spent well over a decade in Madagascar and has worked in 47 countries. In Madagascar, he helped the country plan and execute a doubling of the area under conservation, including establishing the Makira Natural Park 370,000 hectare protected area using REDD+ financing. He holds a Doctorate in Biological Anthropology and Anatomy from Duke University and an MBA from the Yale School of Management.
David Meyers is the Executive Director of the Conservation Finance Alliance. He is an environmental finance expert and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in sustainability, business ...
Area-based conservation provides multiple benefits environmentally, socially and economically. To realise and maintain these benefits it is essential for protected and conserved areas to have long-term adequate financing and to leverage diverse finance tools to achieve desired biodiversity outcomes and management objectives - the goal of sustainable finance. Historically, area-based conservation remains under-resourced, often overly reliant on a single income source such as donor-funding or government budgets. The development of new, innovative, and resilient sources of finance is critical if area-based conservation such as protected areas (PAs), Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) and Indigenous and Traditional Territories are to reach their full potential and deliver cross-cutting benefits to people and planet.
Achieving global conservation and sustainable use targets will require a strategic and highly collaborative approach to identify, share, and pioneer finance solutions in an integrated manner across conservation landscapes and seascapes. The purpose of the WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group is to enable and empower area-based conservation actors by developing and sharing knowledge, building awareness and capacity, and promoting innovation in sustainable finance solutions.