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BIODEV2030 - catalysing sector-based commitments to support national contributions for an ambitious Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Project Jul, 2019 - Mar, 2023

BIODEV2030 - catalysing sector-based commitments to support national contributions for an ambitious Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

project image

Overview and objectives

BIODEV2030 strives to accelerate the mainstreaming of biodiversity into key economic sectors in 16 pilot countries (13 in Africa), with the aim to reverse the curve of biodiversity loss and promote…
BIODEV2030 strives to accelerate the mainstreaming of biodiversity into key economic sectors in 16 pilot countries (13 in Africa), with the aim to reverse the curve of biodiversity loss and promote more sustainable and resilient economies. At country level, the project aims to foster ambitious science-based commitments resulting from a shared diagnostic and a multi-stakeholder dialogue, setting clear accountability mechanisms that bring about change. The sectoral voluntary commitments catalysed by the project in the 16 countries shall provide major contributions to ambitious common goals in the Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Therefore BIODEV2030 promotes the integration of a “bottom-up” approach to the CBD process and a strengthened mobilization of non-state actors to tackle the root causes of biodiversity loss.

The project is funded by AFD (French development Agency), coordinated by Expertise France and implemented by WWF and IUCN (in 8 countries each).
General objective: To contribute, through a multi-actor approach, to ambitious voluntary commitments to reduce pressures on biodiversity and / or restore ecosystems, with the aim to stabilize and…
General objective: To contribute, through a multi-actor approach, to ambitious voluntary commitments to reduce pressures on biodiversity and / or restore ecosystems, with the aim to stabilize and then reverse the decline of biodiversity by 2030 in 16 pilot countries.
Specific objective 1: DIAGNOSTIC - Conduct a pilot process of diagnostic and of scientific construction of voluntary sectoral contributions for biodiversity, based on a biodiversity threat assessment and relevant sectoral situation analysis
Specific objective 2: DIALOGUE - Facilitate multi-actor dialogue platforms to formalize voluntary sectoral commitments for the mainstreaming of biodiversity into high-development sectors impacting biodiversity (2 sectors / country)
Specific objective 3: DISSEMINATION - Contribute to the international debate on the post 2020 Global Framework for Biodiversity by disseminating the method, commitments and contributions discussed in each target country
Specific objective 4: COORDINATION - Have an adequate and operational governance system to ensure good coordination and community of project stakeholders, good capitalization and communication, and efficient technical and administrative management

Members and partners

Benin Ecotourism Concern,
Comité national des Membres de l'UICN du Burkina Faso,
Comité national des Membres de l'UICN du Sénégal,
Fiji Department of Environment,
Kenya National Committee of IUCN Members,
Ministère de l´Environnement et du développement durable,
Ministère de l´Environnement, de l´Economie verte et du Changement Climatique,
Mozambique National Committee of IUCN Members

Thank you to our donors