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Measuring impact in Cultural Landscapes of the M6 OAP/ Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC)
Project Jan, 2022 - Aug, 2023

Measuring impact in Cultural Landscapes of the M6 OAP/ Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC)

project image

Overview and objectives

The deterioration and abandonment of cultural land-use practices have negatively affected the ecological diversity across a diverse range of Mediterranean landscapes. A sustainable approach that employs traditional knowledge can be a first step to reverse the declining state of agricultural, pastoral and forestry systems.

To understand the impact of the Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC) based on the information of the different cultural landscapes of the Alliance. Create a common framework to scale…
To understand the impact of the Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and Culture (AMNC) based on the information of the different cultural landscapes of the Alliance. Create a common framework to scale up results and use the Theory of Change to understand the impact of the AMNC in nature and climate.
1.- Common framework and Biodiversity Impact 2.- Analysis of the impact of selected cultural landscape on climate change mitigation 3.- Understanding the impact of the Alliance on nature and climate…
1.- Common framework and Biodiversity Impact
2.- Analysis of the impact of selected cultural landscape on climate change mitigation
3.- Understanding the impact of the Alliance on nature and climate change
4.- To create an analytical framework able to capture information about the state and evolution of the cultural landscapes within M6, primarily at landscape level but also in critical ecosystems, through new insights that could be offered by GIS-based multi-temporal analyses.
5.- Summary report and Issue Brief

Members and partners

Al Shouf Cedar Society,
Asociación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza/WWF - España,
EuroNatur - Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe,
Global Diversity Fund,
GOB Menorca,
Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos,
Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon,
Tour du Valat,
Trashumancia y Naturaleza,
WWF North Africa,
Project CMSable Properties
Website of the Alliance (AMNC)
Website of Alliance for Mediterranean Nature & Culture
Alliance for Mediterranean Nature & Culture