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Expanding Conservation Areas Reach and Effectiveness (ECARE) in Vanuatu
Project Feb, 2018 - Jan, 2026

Expanding Conservation Areas Reach and Effectiveness (ECARE) in Vanuatu

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Overview and objectives

Key features of ECARE are to increase and expand Vanuatu’s protected area coverage, effectiveness and sustainability through: 1. Greater protection of Vanuatu’s ocean: While work is still required…
Key features of ECARE are to increase and expand Vanuatu’s protected area coverage, effectiveness and sustainability through:

1. Greater protection of Vanuatu’s ocean: While work is still required on terrestrial ecosystems an enhanced focus on the marine sector would provide significant global environmental benefits given the size of Vanuatu’s EEZ. There is a clear opportunity to provide additional resources to commence a broadened focus on marine protected area planning and management in partnership with MACBIO.

2. Improved management effectiveness and financial sustainability: There is a clear opportunity for GEF funds to synthesize resources and information by taking experiences with pilot/model sites in baseline projects to develop best practices module for use nationwide with relevant training for end-users. Lessons have been learnt about how to work with local communities such as through the Critical Ecosystem Protection Fund (East Melanesian Island Hotspot programme) with particular local examples empowering local CSO’s. These lessons need to be drawn out and extended to include a wider range of communities to provide the comprehensive coverage needed to operate a national protected areas network.

There is also an opportunity to build a more complete information and evidence base – quantitative, technical, knowledge, to support decision making and management effectiveness Strategic prioritization for protected area establishment and support.
Improved national systems and capacity for achieving a representative, effective and expanded protected areas network in Vanuatu.
Improved national systems and capacity for achieving a representative, effective and expanded protected areas network in Vanuatu.

Members and partners

Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Natural Disaster, Environment and Energy

Thank you to our donors

Project documents

GEF ID 9847, Vanuatu


For the complete set of project documents, consult the the project page on the GEF website


The following documents are available for download compliant with IUCN ESMS disclosure policy. Should you wish to obtain a copy of other documents including older versions of IUCN ESMS documents, please contact [email protected]