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Global Learning, Finance, and Partnerships project under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
Project Jul, 2016 - Mar, 2025

Global Learning, Finance, and Partnerships project under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)

project image

Overview and objectives

The Restoration Initiative (TRI) unites 10 countries and three Global Environment Facility agencies – IUCN, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the United Nations Environment Programme – along with governments and strategic partners to overcome existing barriers to restoration and to restore degraded landscapes, in support of the Bonn Challenge.

The Global Learning, Finance and Partnerships project under the Restoration Initiative (TRI) is intended to strengthen overall delivery of TRI in a coherent and consistent manner, by establishing a…
The Global Learning, Finance and Partnerships project under the Restoration Initiative (TRI) is intended to strengthen overall delivery of TRI in a coherent and consistent manner, by establishing a program-level results framework, by coordinating reporting across national child projects, by facilitating expanded country ambition and action on FLR and the Bonn Challenge, by enhancing and accelerating learning and strengthening in-country capacity to plan for and manage FLR, by provision of tools, information and analysis to further attract and mobilize investment in FLR, and by leveraging key partnerships to yield cost savings and realize greater impact for TRI child projects than possible under a fragmented, project-by-project approach.
UPDATE: The Project Steering Committee (PSC) decided to extend this project through August 2024.
The Global Child project of TRI is jointly implemented by IUCN, FAO, and UNEP. IUCN-led components of this project will achieve the following outcomes: Outcome 1.1: Improved coordination among…
The Global Child project of TRI is jointly implemented by IUCN, FAO, and UNEP. IUCN-led components of this project will achieve the following outcomes:
Outcome 1.1: Improved coordination among program stakeholders and increased effectiveness of Program investments; Enhanced collaboration, replication and upscaling among environmental and development agencies and countries at the global, regional and national levels.
Outcome 1.2: Progress of TRI Program and the Global Child project is systematically monitored, reported and assessed.
Outcome 4.1: Enhanced in-country enabling environment for FLR and increased national and sub-national commitment to FLR.
Outcome 4.2: Strengthened capacity to assess and monitor biodiversity impacts from restoration.

Members and partners

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Areas Protegidas,
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan,
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2017-2020,
Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable,
Ministère des Eaux, Forêts, Chasse et Pêche,
Ministry of Natural Resources,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation,
Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife,
National Council for Conservation of Wildlife, Ministry of Climate Change,
Nature Kenya - The East Africa Natural History Society,
United Nations
Project Documents

GEF ID 9522, Global


For the complete set of project documents, consult the the project page on the GEF website.


The following documents are available for download compliant with IUCN ESMS disclosure policy. Should you wish to obtain a copy of other documents including older versions of IUCN ESMS documents, please contact [email protected]