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Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)
Project Jun, 2017 - Nov, 2022

Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)

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Overview and objectives

GROWGREEN will provide the basis for a step change in the way that NBS are embedded in the long-term planning, development, operation and management of cities around the world. The project outputs…
GROWGREEN will provide the basis for a step change in the way that NBS are embedded in the long-term planning, development, operation and management of cities around the world. The project outputs will be promoted directly to policymakers, businesses and the general public in Europe as well as in Latin America, Africa, and Asia and will be designed to create global demand for NBS and to promote European NBS products and services to meet this demand.
Grow Green is a five-year project with the following objectives: 1) Contribute to the evidence base of nature-based solutions in cities for cost-effective, replicable means of increasing urban…
Grow Green is a five-year project with the following objectives:

1) Contribute to the evidence base of nature-based solutions in cities for cost-effective, replicable means of increasing urban climate and water resilience, social, environmental and economic benefits, to underpin the development of NBS policies and the global NBS market

2) Develop an easy-to-use replicable approach to support the development and implementation of NBS strategies in cities, aligned with existing city priorities

3) Support the creation of the required conditions to support, drive and enable the implementation of city NBS strategies by awareness raising and capacity building in cities around the world, supporting the development of the required policy framework, business models for investment in NBS and the global market for NBS.

Through NBS demonstration projects and partnerships with a group of cities across Europe and China, GrowGreen will develop a replicable approach to the development and implementation of NBS strategies at city level. A further six cities will be supported in using this approach to produce their own NBS strategies.

Informed by these experiences, GrowGreen will support the creation of the conditions needed for implementation of city NBS strategies globally. This will be done by building awareness and capacity, supporting the development of appropriate policy frameworks at a range of levels, developing viable business models for investment in NBS, and supporting the development of the global market for NBS products and services.

Members and partners

Manchester City Council
Project CMSable Properties
GrowGreen website