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Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme - Phase III
Project Dec, 2020 - Dec, 2025

Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme - Phase III

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Overview and objectives

The ITHCP was set up in 2014, financed by the German Government through KFW and implemented by IUCN. This is its third phase, which follows Phase I and II, and will be implemented over the course of…
The ITHCP was set up in 2014, financed by the German Government through KFW and implemented by IUCN. This is its third phase, which follows Phase I and II, and will be implemented over the course of four years. The programme is aligned with the objectives of the Global Tiger Recovery Programme and its objectives are a subset of those, with a focus on improving three main areas:
• The management of protected areas, corridors and buffer zones;
• The protection of tigers through anti-poaching, and monitoring of tigers and prey;
• The livelihoods of communities living in and around tiger habitats to reduce poaching, over-exploitation of forest resources and human wildlife conflicts.
Project objective: Improved management of selected tiger habitats and their natural resources, reduction of key threats to tiger prey while at the same time reducing the dependency of local…
Project objective: Improved management of selected tiger habitats and their natural resources, reduction of key threats to tiger prey while at the same time reducing the dependency of local communities on forest resources.
Output 1: Resources and capacities for the management of tiger habitats are improved and put to good use.
Output 2: Reduction in human wildlife conflicts in participating villages.
Output 3: Local Communities in supported tiger conservation landscapes have increased their knowledge about tiger conservation methods and adopt alternative livelihoods practices.

Members and partners

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change,
National Trust for Nature Conservation,
Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan,
Zoological Society of London,
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation,
Global Tiger Forum

Thank you to our donors