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Management support and expansion of marine protected areas in the State of Libya
Project Apr, 2022 - Jan, 2027

Management support and expansion of marine protected areas in the State of Libya

project image

Overview and objectives

This project will address the capacity barriers that hinder the sustainability and effectiveness of the MPAs network in a country of the Southern Mediterranean (i.e. Libya). The project aims in…
This project will address the capacity barriers that hinder the sustainability and effectiveness of the MPAs network in a country of the Southern Mediterranean (i.e. Libya). The project aims in developing the network of MPAs (number of sites and surface) through the establishment of MPA management support mechanisms in priority MPAs. These include: (i) the assessment of the legal and institutional mechanisms for MPAs;(ii) the collection centralization of data on marine biodiversity and ecosystems (national platform); and (iii) communication and awareness about MPAs and marine biodiversity and ecosystems. In particular, the specific work in Libya will be focus on advancing Ain-El-Ghazelah, El Kouf and Farwa Lagoon MPAs towards a phase of operational sufficiency by building the capacity of MPA practitioners, developing the management plan through a step-by-step participatory planning process to ensure the effective protection of ecological and socioeconomic values of the areas.
IUCN-Med is participating in this project as an executing agency with UNEP MAP SPA/RAC and WWF North Africa. UNEP is the lead GEF agency.
(i) the assessment of the legal and institutional mechanisms for MPAs;(ii) the collection centralization of data on marine biodiversity and ecosystems (national platform); and (iii) communication and…
(i) the assessment of the legal and institutional mechanisms for MPAs;(ii) the collection centralization of data on marine biodiversity and ecosystems (national platform); and (iii) communication and awareness about MPAs and marine biodiversity and ecosystems.

Members and partners

Alhaya Organization for the Protection of Wildlife and Marine Organisms,
Edama for Nature Conservation,
Libyan Wildlife Trust,
Ministry of Environment

Thank you to our donors