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Monk seal protection at Eastern Mediterranean
Project Aug, 2021 - Jul, 2023

Monk seal protection at Eastern Mediterranean

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Overview and objectives

Ten organizations sharing results, methodologies, tools and implementing conservation activities to protect the species in the eastern Mediterranean.
Ten organizations sharing results, methodologies, tools and implementing conservation activities to protect the species in the eastern Mediterranean.
Key practitioners collaborate to commonly monitor the monk seal populations, reduce identified threats, and share information using common indicators, methodologies and tools. O.1 Monitoring of…
Key practitioners collaborate to commonly monitor the monk seal populations, reduce identified threats, and share information using common indicators, methodologies and tools.
O.1 Monitoring of monk seal populations to increase knowledge and reduce threats: Several activities to monitor the monk seal populations in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, to assess anthropogenic in-cave disturbance and to clean important monk seal caves.
O.2 Ensure legal, efficient and participatory protection and management of the species and its habitats: With the information gathered in O.1, the current status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal populations monitored, will be updated on numbers and on current threats. Providing updated information to relevant bodies, using results of the monitoring to inform existing legislation to improve monk seal conservation.
O.3 Awareness, Capacity Building and Training: Knowledge transfer between partners using two planned technical workshops and various awareness activities on monk seal status, negative impacts and solutions.

Members and partners

Archipelagos-Environment and development,
Elliniki Etairia Meleths kai Prostasias Mesogeiakis Fwkias,
ENALIA Physis Environmental Research ,
Fundación CBD para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad y su Hábitat,
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research,
Middle East Technical University (METU),
Underwater Research Society SAD-AFAG

Thank you to our donors