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Project Dec, 2018 - Aug, 2023

Plastic Waste Free Islands

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Overview and objectives

Review and enhance waste management strategies, legal and policy tools, community and private sector engagement and capacity building on best practice approaches to address the problem of marine…
Review and enhance waste management strategies, legal and policy tools, community and private sector engagement and capacity building on best practice approaches to address the problem of marine plastic pollution in Caribbean and Pacific SIDS.
This four year project aims to demonstrate how to reduce plastic waste generation and leakage in Small Island Development States (SIDS) that are associated with unique characteristics. The project is…
This four year project aims to demonstrate how to reduce plastic waste generation and leakage in Small Island Development States (SIDS) that are associated with unique characteristics. The project is being implemented in six islands in the Caribbean and Pacific, where mismanaged plastic waste is significant and where conditions to enable change already exist.
To close the plastic tap in SIDS, the project is structured around a three-step approach. First, the amount and type of plastic waste at the island level will be measured and classified per recyclable and non-recyclable polymers (Knowledge). This will provide an overview of the stocks and flows of plastic waste and allow the identification of target solutions to reduce them. To ensure that the project results will be incorporated into national frameworks, supporting actions include making the economic and business case for taking action and identifying policy and regulatory support for the adoption of the measures identified.
Second, the project will identify economically viable products that can be developed with recyclable polymers as alternative to existing products. IUCN will work closely with local businesses to ensure these substitutional products can be developed locally with existing technologies and have a local market (Action). Partnering companies will act as champions for change willing to take the concepts from paper to product. For non-recyclable polymers, sound disposal and treatment solutions to prevent leakage will be identified through an assessment of best available technologies. These assessments togtherwith policy recommendations will be promoted amongst the key stakeholder groups and champions willing to build on the work identified and supported.
Third, to support knowledge uptake and capacity building among target public and private stakeholders a sharing and learning environment will be fostered through participatory mechanisms. Fit-for-purpose communication products will be used to promote the knowledge and learning from the project, such as Blueprint for action that can be used as a framework on other SIDS.

Members and partners

Fiji Department of Environment,
Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Natural Disaster, Environment and Energy,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa,
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States