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Restoring ecological corridors in the Mayo-Kebbi Ouest, Chad, to support multiple land and forests benefits
Project May, 2016 - Jan, 2025

Restoring ecological corridors in the Mayo-Kebbi Ouest, Chad, to support multiple land and forests benefits

project image

Overview and objectives

The Mayo-Kebbi Ouest (MKO) is currently suffering loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural forest areas. This is due to a combination of natural factors and human practices, including…
The Mayo-Kebbi Ouest (MKO) is currently suffering loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural forest areas. This is due to a combination of natural factors and human practices, including overexploitation. Besides, the unsustainable management of land resources has resulted in the increase of greenhouse gas emissions in the MKO, and has contributed to a decrease in the productivity of land and the disappearance of large mammals over much of the area. This situation is resulting in increased competition over the region’s natural resources.

The project's goal is to maintain and preserve natural resources in the area between the Sena-Oura
National Park, the Binder Léré Wildlife Reserve and the Yamba Berté Forest Reserve (which constitute the three
protected areas in the Mayo-Kebbi Ouest Region), by reducing human pressure on the environment. This will also help restoring ecological continuity between these sites.

The project aims to improve sustainability and expand positive impacts of natural resource management techniques by providing existing local structures and systems the skills, knowledge and means to operate and establish or strengthen best-practices in the management of the MKO’s natural forested areas and agro-silvo-pastoral systems.
The Mayo-Kebbi Ouest (MKO) is currently suffering loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural forest areas. This is due to a combination of natural factors and human practices, including…
The Mayo-Kebbi Ouest (MKO) is currently suffering loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural forest areas. This is due to a combination of natural factors and human practices, including overexploitation. Besides, the unsustainable management of land resources has resulted in the increase of greenhouse gas emissions in the MKO, and has contributed to a decrease in the productivity of land and the disappearance of large mammals over much of the area. This situation is resulting in increased competition over the region’s natural resources.

Members and partners

Project documents



For the complete set of project documents, consult the the project page on the GEF website.


The following documents are available for download compliant with IUCN ESMS disclosure policy. Should you wish to obtain a copy of other documents including older versions of IUCN ESMS documents, please contact [email protected]