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Conservation Tool

PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet

The PANORAMA platform identifies and promotes examples of tested and replicable solutions in biodiversity conservation and broader sustainability issues. By providing peer-to-peer exchange opportunities across sectors and geographies, it facilitates learning from successful practices.

PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet is a global knowledge exchange initiative and provides an open, neutral platform for anyone to share their successes, learn from the experiences of other practitioners and exchange knowledge as part of the community.

Under PANORAMA, IUCN partners with GIZ, UNDP, UNEP, GRID-Arendal, the World Bank, ICCROM, ICOMOS, IFOAM – Organics International, Rare, OCTO and EcoHealth Alliance. Jointly with GIZ, IUCN manages the partnership secretariat and leads on promoting solutions across 8 out of 11 PANORAMA Communities, on topics such as species conservation, protected and conserved areas, sustainable urban development as well as marine and coastal issues.


case studies

3,000 +

replicable success factors


solution providers

PANORAMA’s approach

In PANORAMA, solutions are defined as specific, applied examples of successful processes or approaches that address challenges to nature conservation and sustainable development. Solutions can be entire project interventions or particular aspects of a project or approach. Replicable “key ingredients” of a solution are called “building blocks”. 

PANORAMA is designed to engage its online and offline user community in four phases: reflection, documentation, communication and adaptation. By breaking down and documenting a solution according to its component building blocks, transfer of knowledge between stakeholders is supported: Building blocks can be adapted, recombined and replicated to improve ongoing initiatives or inform design of new projects in other geographies.

The PANORAMA web platform is the world’s leading online database of good practices for nature and people across sectors and geographies. It includes the solution case study database. Communication and exchange between practitioners is supported through accompanying activities and products such as knowledge exchange events, publications and webinars. Solutions are being promoted through a range of external communication channels.


PANORAMA Communities

To help users find the most relevant solutions for their situations, PANORAMA groups its solutions by key topics relevant to improving conservation in today’s world. PANORAMA currently promotes solutions across 11 Communities, i.e. thematic focus areas.

Each Community is coordinated by one or several PANORAMA partner institutions. PANORAMA aims to achieve a more diverse set of solutions through continuously adding further Communities, thus broadening the thematic scope as well as the partnership base. 


coordinated by IUCN, GIZ, GRID-Arendal, OCTO and UNEP

PANORAMA Business Engagement

(not accepting new solutions at this time) 
coordinated by IUCN


coordinated by IUCN and World Bank 

PANORAMA Conservation Areas

coordinated by IUCN and UNDP

PANORAMA Nature-Culture

coordinated by IUCN, ICCROM and ICOMOS    

PANORAMA Restoration

coordinated by IUCN and GIZ


coordinated by IUCN and GIZ

PANORAMA Species Conservation

coordinated by IUCN and EcoHealth Alliance

PANORAMA users and benefits

Solution providers

  • Representatives of conservation and development NGOs
  • Conservation practitioners
  • Multilateral organizations
  • Government agencies
  • Academia, private sector and institutions
  • Local and regional conservation actors

Solution seekers

  • Conservation practitioners, planners and advocates
  • Policy makers, donor agencies and programme developers
  • Businesses and investors
  • Academic institutions
  • Journalists
  • Data scientists

Putting PANORAMA to use

  • PANORAMA helps conservation practitioners, planners and managers learn from peers facing similar challenges to inform their day-to-day work.
  • Policy makers, donors and programme developers use PANORAMA to understand current trends and good practice, inform design of new initiatives and achieve visibility and validation for their investments.
  • Advocates use solutions from PANORAMA to provide real-life, positive alternatives to support their positions.
  • Businesses and investors use PANORAMA to inform responsible investment and CSR strategies.
  • For academic researchers, PANORAMA offers a database of curated case studies with field-tested insights into determinants of success in conservation and development.
  • Journalists use PANORAMA as a source of inspiring success stories.

    How to engage?

    Visit the PANORAMA web platform to explore the continuously growing solutions case study portfolio.

    Submit your own solution 
    (in English, French or Spanish) directly on the platform.

    Sign up to receive PANORAMA updates, such as the bi-annual newsletter, monthly “PANORAMA Buzz” and webinar announcements.

    ► Contact us if your institution would like to explore collaboration.

    The PANORAMA partnership

    PANORAMA is a powerful alliance of international development and environmental organizations, including IUCN, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), GRID-Arendal, Rare, IFOAM Organics International, the World Bank Group, ICOMOS, ICCROM, OCTO Group and EcoHealth Alliance.

    It is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 

    PANORAMA contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and the climate change adaptation and mitigation goals as defined under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. It is explicitly referenced as a tool for knowledge management in the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework.  

    The function of the PANORAMA Secretariat is provided by IUCN and GIZ, which have each appointed staff to ensure the coordination and strategic advancement of the initiative.  

    Each partner organisation hosts or co-hosts one or multiple Communities.

    Learn more about PANORAMA’s origins and the partnership.


    IUCN’s involvement

    IUCN, together with GIZ, leads the PANORAMA initiative. The PANORAMA secretariat is comprised of staff from IUCN and GIZ. The secretariat ensures strategic advancement and smooth day-to-day operations of the initiative.

    The PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet web platform ( was launched in September 2016 during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i.

    IUCN sources and promotes solutions across a number of priority conservation topics, coordinating 8 of 11 PANORAMA Communities.


      PANORAMA resources 

      The PANORAMA web platform is a powerful resource for learning, capacity building and scaling up successful conservation. In addition to the platform, PANORAMA produces publications, webinars and other content to provide additional guidance combining online and offline learning.