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Asian langurs (Presbytis) conservation action plan 2024–2034

Authors: Ang, Andie, Brandon-Jones, D., Ruppert, N., Lee, Z.H., Affendi, A., Stanly Anyie, Y., Boonratana, Ramesh, Cheyne, Susan M., Chua, A., Hayunieta, Irawan, A., Jerusalinsky, L., Karuniawati, A., Khalid, S., Koh, J., Lee, C., Lhota, S., Lwin, N., Mittermeier, Russell A., Nijman, Vincent, Oram, F., Pan, S., Rizaldi, Rowe, N., Ruskhanidar, Rylands, Anthony B., Segaran, P., Setiawan, A., Taufiq, A., Thant, N.M.L., Kasyfullah bin Zaini, M., Raghavan, R., Roos, Christian,

Distributed in the Sundaland region (Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Java and adjacent smaller islands), langurs of the genus Presbytis are one of the most threatened groups of Asian primates. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 24 of the 28 taxa (>85%) are threatened with extinction (listed as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable). One taxon is classified as Near Threatened and one as Data Deficient. Only two Presbytis taxa are considered as Least Concern. This Asian langurs (Presbytis) conservation action plan 2024–2034 brings together the knowledge of experts on these monkeys to identify the most pressing threats and priority conservation actions for each taxon.