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Other brief

Climate Change Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems

Brief for the UNFCCC SB60 Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change. This brief aims to contribute to the Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change Dialogue during SB60 and advocates for using Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in global adaptation efforts aligned with the goals and decisions of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience.

Informed by experiences of three transboundary mountain regions in Peru and Colombia, Nepal and Bhutan, and Kenya and Uganda from the IUCN initiative, ‘Scaling Up Mountain Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: building evidence, replicating success, and informing policy,’1 this brief provides key recommendations on means of implementation concerning 1) finance, 2) capacity-building, and 3) technology development/transfer needed for scaling up EbA actions within mountainous areas, informing future investments and enhancing action in other critical ecosystems worldwide.