Policy brief
Policy Brief - Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development
IUCN has developed a series of key messages to ensure that nature features prominently across the themes of the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4) and in its outcome. Within this process, we find it key to emphasize the need to rapidly transform the global economic and financial system to achieve a net-zero, nature-positive, and circular economy.

The three key messages include:
- A global financing framework: Nature positive economy as a cross-cutting issue
Nature must be at the heart of the FFD4 outcome document. For that reason, IUCN calls for the alignment all financial flows, including development finance flows, with the Global Biodiversity Framework, and to significantly increase funding for biodiversity from all sources. - International Trade as an engine for development - Build momentum on subsidy reform and repurposing
FFD4 must call for a global reform of all environmentally harmful subsidies, especially fossil fuels and unsustainable agricultural subsidies, towards nature conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. - Unlock private sector investment – effectively address the systemic issues that are limiting the potential of the sustainable finance field
IUCN encourages UN Members States to use its science-based standards, tools and metrics as key performance indicators for a wide range of sustainable finance mechanisms.