By Helen Newing, University of Oxford, and Helen Tugendhat, Forest Peoples Programme
A major new guidance document on conservation and human rights will be launched on 29th October 2024 at CBD COP16. The document offers a comprehensive overview of international human rights…
In the Biligiri Hills of Karnataka in India, the Soligas have been successfully living within a wildlife sanctuary (tigers, elephants, etc.) for centuries. The stories and values from this community serve as important lessons for reimagining conservation.
The Women in Recycling Foundation (WORF) is led by young women committed to promoting a healthy environment for women, young women, and women with disabilities by strengthening the waste management system, developing skills and knowledge, and empowering them through circular economy solutions.…
Guardianes de la Cuenca El Chaltén is a local water advocacy project led by young women dedicated to water conservation. We seek to transform the local water governance of one of the largest water reserves in the world. We involve young people through water conservation training…
The body responsible for the protection of Antarctica’s precious life, The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), has just completed a special meeting in Santiago, Chile. IUCN participated as an observer promoting independent science and urging delegates…
Mirali Shukla, Environmental Peacebuilding Association, Deputy Chair of the CEESP Theme on Environment and Peace
CEESP News: Antonia Nyamukuru, researcher based in Kampala, Uganda and Cory Whitney, member of IUCN’s CEESP SULi group, based in Bonn, Germany.
“Conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves the public interest.” - Aldo Leopold
CEESP news: by Simon M. Lamb
UK based CEESP member Simon Lamb's proposal for the world's first bond market in environmental services seems to have found favour with the UK Conservative party. Recently, the policy was selected by a Dragons Den of MPs, Lords and the Prime Minister's chief…
CEESP News: by Nigel Dudley and Sue Stolton, Equilibrium Research *
Under current proposals from the Convention on Biological Diversity, a target is likely to be set for 30% of the world’s land surface to be set aside into protected and conserved areas. Over 60 countries have pledged to…