African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa.
This introductory report's target audience is professionals from governments, civil society, private sector, and other stakeholders who know multilateral processes and treaties but are not high seas “BBNJ (biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction) experts”. The report is more digestible than…
An Introduction to the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
The body responsible for the protection of Antarctica’s precious life, The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), has just completed a special meeting in Santiago, Chile. IUCN participated as an observer promoting independent science and urging delegates…
IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, celebrates the adoption by consensus of the High Seas Biodiversity Treaty*, 19 June, New York UN, by all United Nations member states, and looks to what needs to happen next for momentum to be maintained.…
The BIODEV2030 project, launched in early 2020 supports the country's development ambition, while promoting the adoption of voluntary sectoral commitments that incorporate ambitious biodiversity conservation and restoration measures.
The Convention on Wetlands and Danone awarded the Pitch for the Grant 2022, a new EUR 10,000 grant from Danone to fund wetland conservation projects, to BlueGreen for its work on the Govan Wetlands of Glasgow
Since 1972, IUCN is the official advisor on nature under the World Heritage Convention. The Convention is known as "the most widely accepted international conservation treaty in human history”, ratified today by 195 States Parties. Natural World Heritage sites conserve the planet’s most…
Animals, fungi and plants are essential to a healthy planet, but growing pressures from human activities are increasingly putting them at risk of extinction. Understanding the health of the world’s biodiversity is essential to inform and guide conservation action. IUCN is at the forefront of the…