Restoring Our Landscapes: A Global Effort under The Restoration Initiative
Addressing the intertwined issues of climate change, ensuring food security, and fostering community development in Guinea-Bissau.
This is a one-page overview of the AFRIPAC project: Effective Capacity Building for Global Plastics Treaty in Africa. This project is in partnership with GRID-Arendal and is generously supported by NORAD.
As the world moves towards an international, legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, IUCN and GRID-Arendal partner in a new project: AFRIPAC, "Effective Plastic Treaty Capacity Building for Africa." This project aims to empower five African nations´ negotiating skills for a…
Helping local communities turn the tide on degraded mangrove forests in Guinea-Bissau
This participatory grassland and rangeland assessment (PRAGA) methodology was developed for the assessment of rangelands and grasslands in selected project countries. It was developed through the project “Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland…
This participatory grassland and rangeland assessment (PRAGA) methodology was developed for the assessment of rangelands and grasslands in selected project countries. It was developed through the project 'Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland…