BRIDGE promotes cooperation and water diplomacy in the 9 transboundary basins between Ecuador and Peru, and in the Titicaca basin, shared between Bolivia and Peru.
The Ruvuma River Basin is a vital water source for communities, agriculture, and industries in Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Learn how Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States, in collaboration with IUCN through BRIDGE 5, are strengthening water cooperation in the…
This Issue Paper 3 examines the environmental and social risks of maintaining a dam between Lake Juparanã and its connector, the Pequeno River.
The Issue Paper 2 proposes the use of the precautionary principle for the resumption of fishing in the Rio Doce Basin.
This first of a series of Issue Papers analyse the impacts on economic activities, the path decpendecy and measures to create new opportunities of livelihoods for the Rio Doce watershed.
In this Technical Report, the Rio Doce Panel proposes that the Renova Foundation and other stakeholder organisations and decision-makers integrate the source-to-sea and landscape approaches with existing strategies to better evaluate the interactions between water quality and…
Water, a precious resource that knows no boundaries, plays a vital role in sustaining ecosystems and supporting socio-economic development. Effective management and governance of transboundary water resources are crucial to ensure sustainable development in regions where multiple countries share…
The SADC TFCA Financing Facility (TFCA FF) is a regional fund established to provide sustainable funding for conservation and management actions in Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Facility is managed by IUCN – Eastern and…
In The Marine Plastic Footprint, Joao Sousa of IUCN introduces new measures to understand and calculate the frightening leakage of plastic into the marine environment - by following its movement through every stage from production to waste to final destination.
Three integrated case…