Restoring Our Landscapes: A Global Effort under The Restoration Initiative
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 2024 (IUCN) – This month, the IUCN Forest and Grasslands Team (FGT) organized and engaged in a variety of events at UNCCD COP16, emphasizing the importance of restoring and sustainably managing grasslands, savannahs, and rangelands.
The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the profound interdependence between environmental health and human health, bringing these issues to the forefront of policy discussions. It has become increasingly evident that our health is deeply influenced by the state of the natural landscapes around us.…
Women in Ilalasimba village, located in the Iringa Region of Tanzania, engage in economic activities, focusing mostly on agriculture.
A community-driven and inclusive process was informed by Indigenous Peoples and technical knowledge and best practices on sustainable management of natural resources.
The Vice President’s Office of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Embassy of Sweden in Tanzania, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have today launched a new project ‘SUSTAIN Eco’ to support ecosystem management across government, businesses, and with local…
The Restoration Initiative United Republic of Tanzania project to begin vital restoration work in 2022
Kilombero Valley in Tanzania is an area of high biodiversity – including a Ramsar listed wetland – that is under ever-increasing human pressure. It is also part of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), a public-private partnership initiated through…
All over the world, businesses make use of natural capital. Companies therefore benefit from healthy ecosystems. But how can nature conservation organizations engage companies to contribute to the maintenance of ecosystem services? That question was central to the international business…