The IUCN Africa Conservation Forum (ACF) is Africa’s foremost platform for advancing Conservation, uniting IUCN Members, Commissions, and diverse stakeholders to address critical environmental challenges. It shapes the sustainability agenda, drives biodiversity conservation, and serves as a hub…
Guía suplementaria para la utilización del estándar global de las Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza de la UICN
African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa.
An Introduction to the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
IUCN invites you to submit a Proposal for Consultancy Services to develop the Evaluation of natural carbon sinks of coastal wetlands in Kerkennah islands (Tunisia).
The main goal of this consultancy is to collect a range of case studies putting into practice management actions in Posidonia beaches (e.g. environmental management, communications and marketing) that can inspire and support beach and destination managers to take action.
The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation presents an overview of the regional conservation status of breeding raptors in the Mediterranean region. The region is one of the world’s richest in terms of diversity, with a total 53 species of raptors breeding regularly in this region. However,…
This document shares best practices to scale up results, scale up results to achieve a zero pollution in islands.
Termes de reference pour le recrutement d’un/une consultant(e) pour le développement d'un diagnostic organisationnel et structurel et l’élaboration d’un plan d’action en matière de renforcement des capacités des projets pour les OSC historiques du PPIOSCAN 3