Story | 29 May, 2024

Indo-Burma countries highlight the importance of wetlands through International Day celebrations

From celebrating the largest freshwater wetland in northeast Thailand to learning about protecting habitats for migratory birds in Cambodia, hundreds of people in Indo-Burma Regional Ramsar Initiative (IBRRI) member countries celebrated the value of wetlands on key international days this year. IUCN acts as the Secretariat for IBRRI, which provided co-funding for the events, with the aim of increasing awareness and strengthening the conservation of wetlands and key wetland species in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Aerial view of wetland and neighbouring city Declared a wetland of international importance in 2001, Nong Han wetland is a crucial habitat for migratory fish species, as well as birds and aquatic plants Photo: Department of Water Resources, Thailand


Nong Han, located in Sakon Nakhon province, is home to the largest wetland in Northeastern Thailand. Encased in paddy fields and welcoming water flow from 21 tributaries, it is an important source of livelihood for fisher people and rice farmers in the surrounding 34 villages.

This year’s World Wetland Day, on 2 February, brought together over 700 locals to showcase the beating heart of their home in an exhibition and participate in a traditional blessing ceremony, or “Suepjata”, to conserve the wetland.

Men holding incense in prayer hands facing a bamboo structure Participants take part in a traditional ritual to conserve the wetland Photo: Department of Water Resources, Thailand


“We will collaborate with all sectors to protect, develop and utilise wetlands responsibly, to guarantee their benefit to people's livelihoods, economies, and the environment in the long run,” said Mr Pipat Ruangngam, Mass Promotion and Coordination Specialist, Division of Water Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Water Resources.

Display of bird paintings and photographs Paintings displayed at the Birds Conservation Club exhibition Photo: Ministry of Environment, Cambodia


Organized by Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Thailand), the Basin Development Sustainable Promotion Association, the Nong Han Conservation Associate, and the Sakhon Nakhon Municipality, the event brought together government agencies, including Department of Water Resources and the Sakhon Nakorn Provincial Office as well as local government agencies, community leaders, the public sector, students, and others interested in the Nong Han Wetland.

People sitting in rows behind a World Migratory Bird Day 2024 sign Participants at the opening of the “Protecting Insects: Protecting the Birds” event Photo: Ministry of Environment, Cambodia


On 10 May, 350 participants joined an event on "Protecting Insects: Protecting the Birds" at Kandieng High School, in Pursat Province, Cambodia. The event aimed to promote the protection of habitat for migratory birds, which pass through Cambodia as part of the East Asian Australasian Flyway.

"This World Migratory Bird Day event not only demonstrates the government's commitment to managing, protecting, and conserving wetlands and migratory birds but also provides a valuable opportunity for all participants to promote environmental work and foster a love for nature and birds,” said Mr Hong Chamnan, Director of the Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation, who chaired the event.

Group of students smiling at the camera standing next to pots of plants Students from Kandieng High School take part in a tree planting activity during the event Photo: Ministry of Environment, Cambodia


Pursat province hosts a range of wetlands, supporting migratory birds that travel across the flyway, which extends from Arctic Russia and North America to the southern parts of Australia and New Zealand. During these migrations, birds are at increased risk from threats such as hunting and have increasingly limited feeding and roosting grounds due to illegal encroachment on protected natural areas. The event provided an opportunity for national and local authorities and communities to strengthen cooperation to address these challenges.

Organised by the Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation of the General Directorate of Natural Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the Pursat Provincial Administration, the event provided an opportunity for participants – from the Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation, Pursat Provincial Department of Environment, NGOs, protected area rangers, teachers, and students – to strengthen their understanding of key feeding sources for birds, especially insects, which are important food for migratory birds.

Three people sitting behind a table with their names on placards Representatives from government agencies attend the event Photo: Department of Water Resources, Lao PDR


In celebration of this year’s World Water Day, participants from the government, as well as representatives from international organisations and academia gathered for a “Water for Peace” celebration on 24 March at Buang Thad Luang, Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Organised by the Department of Water Resources and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the event provided an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of sustainable water use and consumption, as well as restoration of land surrounding important water bodies across Lao PDR.

People releasing fish from plastic bags into the river Participants release fish during the event Photo: Department of Water Resources, Lao PDR


Dr Bounkam Vorachit, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, encouraged everyone to play their part in protecting water and biodiversity. “Under strong cooperation and support, we can make sure future generations continue to have a steady stream of clean water that enriches their lives and their environment,” he added.


The Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative (IBRRI) was jointly developed by the Ramsar National Focal Points of the five countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam), and the IUCN Asia Regional Office, based on specific needs identified in these countries. It was endorsed by the 52nd meeting of the Ramsar Convention Standing Committee in June 2016. The IBRRI aims to support the coordinated implementation of the objectives of the Strategic Plan of the Ramsar Convention. IUCN serves as the Secretariat for the Initiative under the leadership of the Steering Committee, which includes representatives from the five governments and the Ramsar Convention Secretariat as an observer.