- For a map of all mountains in the world, see Global Mountain Explorer 2.0
- UNESCO World Heritage Centre overview of how mountains have inspired people
- Rössler, M. (2022). World Heritage and Mountain Sites. In: Sarmiento, F.O. (eds) Montology Palimpsest. Montology, vol 1. Springer, Cham.
- The Conversation (2023). Mountain environments are key to biodiversity – but the threats to them are being ignored
- IUCN (2002). A global overview of mountain protected areas on the World Heritage list
- IUCN (2021). Leveraging the World Heritage Convention for conservation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
- IUCN and World Heritage
- UNESCO World Heritage List
- IUCN WCPA Mountains Specialist Group
- IUCN CEM Mountain Ecosystems Specialist Group
About UN International Mountain Day
International Mountain Day 2024 is a platform for exchanging knowledge, showcasing best practices and mobilizing collective action. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is mandated to lead observance of the day at the global level. The 2024 theme is “Mountain solutions for a sustainable future – innovation, adaptation and youth”.
About IUCN and the World Heritage Convention
Since the inception of the World Heritage Convention in 1972, IUCN has played a unique role as the official advisory body under the World Heritage Convention on natural World Heritage. This involves leading the technical recommendation of all new nominations of natural and mixed World Heritage sites, monitoring the status of existing natural and mixed World Heritage sites and the newly added Preliminary Assessment process to provide direct advice on the feasibility of potential nominations to states parties.
IUCN also works independently on the Convention to support World Heritage sites globally though our extensive network of programs and policies led though our central Secretariat team, our expert commissions, and our member organisations.
Find out more about IUCN's work on World Heritage here.
*The following mountain sites identified as a World Heritage priority have since been inscribed on the World Heritage List: Bale Mountains National Park (Ethiopia), Western Ghats (India), Three Parallel Rivers National Park (China), and Cape Peninsula Nature Reserves (South Africa – inscribed as Cape Floral Regions Protected Area).