Story 03 Jan, 2025

Building local capacity for sustainable fisheries management: some reflections

IUCN, in partnership with local NGO members Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) and Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA), is executing a 48-month EU project titled Strengthening CSO Capacity to Scale Up Sustainable Freshwater Fisheries in Cambodia.

On November 29, 2024, IUCN and partners organised a workshop in Siem Reap to reflect and share experience on sustainable fisheries management. Over 90 participants (22 female), including representatives from the Fisheries Administration (FiA), MOE Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation, Provincial FiA Cantonments, Provincial DOEs, community representatives, and NGO partners joined the workshop. It was presided over by H.E. Ing Kimleang, Deputy Siem Reap Provincial Governor, Deputy Director of the FiA Community Development Department, and Head of IUCN Cambodia.

Participants exchanged experiences and best practices for scaling up improved fisheries management. They gained deeper insights into the project interventions in 20 communities in six provinces around Tonle Sap and three provinces along the Mekong. Key learnings included how to strengthen community capacity and protect fish conservation areas.

Participants were also introduced to sustainable financing mechanisms for fisheries management. These included community-based ecotourism businesses, Mini Trust Funds (MTF), community credits, fish processing (e.g., fish sauce, dried fish, smoked fish, fermented fish), collective bargaining, and fostering networks across communities and NGOs.

Four exemplary communities from Tonle Sap and the Mekong shared their experiences during a panel discussion. Topics included strengthening community fisheries, fisheries management, resource mobilization, and benefit-sharing mechanisms (such as MTF, membership fees, ecotourism, and livelihood groups). Discussions emphasized the importance of full participation from local communities, technical support, and sustainable financing in enhancing fisheries sustainability.

Key recommendations from the workshop include: the importance of restoring and protecting fish conservation areas, such as flooded forests; integrating community action plans with commune investment plans (CIP) to receive technical and financial support; strengthening collaboration between local government, FiA, and DOE officers for resource protection; and holding monthly meetings with commune councils to update progress and jointly resolve issues. There is also a need to implement a resource mobilization plan, with financing from membership fees, fish income, ecotourism, and NGO support.

The workshop highlighted the critical role of restoring and protecting critical fish habitats, particularly flooded forests, and resource mobilization to ensure sustainability. These approaches should be included in community fisheries management plans and scaled up across the Tonle Sap and Mekong.