World Wetlands Day 2025 – celebrating conservation progress in Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative member countries
World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually on 2 February. To celebrate this year’s theme of “protecting wetlands for our common future,” the Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative (IBRRI), hosted by the IUCN Asia Regional Office, is highlighting some of the work its members have conducted and are planning for the conservation and wise use of wetlands across the region.
The Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation, Cambodia is organising a World Wetlands Day celebration on 3 February at Kampong Trolach High School, Kampong Chhnang Province. The event will engage over 500 participants from government agencies, NGO partners, schools and local communities to motivate students and wetlands communities to protect and preserve wetlands through interactive activities. It will also highlight the importance of wetlands for climate resilience, local livelihoods and biodiversity conservation.
In November 2024, IUCN and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) undertook a week-long mission in Lao PDR to visit partners working with local communities to protected endangered and threatened species. One such example was the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which has worked for over a decade near the Xe Champhone Ramsar site to recover population of the critically endangered Siamese Crocodile. 115 crocodiles have been successfully released back into the surrounding wetland, where they are closely monitored by the locals and WCS Laos.
In Myanmar, the Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) is planning a World Wetlands Day event at Pyu Lake, Myanmar’s newest Ramsar site and an important area for wintering birds in the region. During the event, BANCA will lead education talks, sharing knowledge and playing wetland games with youth from the surrounding communities. Over 130 participants are expected, including schoolchildren from Pyu Kan village and community members from the seven villages surrounding the lake.
The Department of Water Resources, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, announced activities for World Wetlands Day 2025 under the theme "Protect Wetlands for Our Future" to be held on 3 February, at Suan Luang Rama IX Park in Bangkok. The event will feature discussions on wetland policy and management, educational activities for youth, and exhibitions to promote public knowledge and participation in wetland conservation. Additionally, the event aims to enhance the value of wetlands by bringing together schoolchildren, civil societies, and relevant government officials to share knowledge through panel discussions, contests, and games for children.
Viet Nam
In the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, the Dong Thap Provincial People’s Committee recently launched the Conservation and Development Plan for the Sarus Crane project at Tram Chim National Park. The ten-year project aims to restore the natural habitat of the Sarus Crane in the Delta, and promote the conservation of this emblematic endangered wetland bird. The project supports the implementation of the Sarus Crane Conservation Plan, which will rear and release 100 cranes over a 10-year period through a partnership with Thailand. The plan also relies on the participation of farmers surrounding the park, who will be supported in transitioning to sustainable rice farming practices, increasing their incomes and minimising impacts on water quality and wetland habitats.
Immediately following World Wetlands Day, the IBRRI Secretariat and the Department of Water Resources Thailand will co-host the 8th IBRRI Annual Meeting, in Bangkok from 19-20th February. The meeting is a key opportunity for members to discuss the initiative’s strategic priorities for the forthcoming IBRRI Strategic Plan (2025-2030).