Press release | 22 Nov, 2009

Climate change: turn the tide – turn to nature

UNFCCC COP15 meeting: 7 to 18 December, Copenhagen
Leaders at Copenhagen should make robust commitments and a timetable for achieving a legally binding treaty for the post-2012 climate change regime as early as possible.

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Photo: JEan de Dieu ILBOUDO

IUCN urges leaders meeting at UNFCCC COP15 to include nature’s solutions to reduce emissions and cope with impacts of climate change in a future deal. Nature is ready to provide powerful tools for both climate change mitigation and adaptation which are already available, cost-effective and sustainable. The potential benefits of a REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) mechanism and the role of ecosystems in enabling people to adapt to the impacts of climate change should be recognized.

Key Issues:
“Managing nature will play a key role in our ability to cope with the changing climate and reduce emissions,” says Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of IUCN. “A massive investment in nature, in the way we protect it, manage it and govern it will take us from where we are today to a low carbon economy of the future.”
“Managing and conserving ecosystems can increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of people to the impacts of climate change,” says IUCN’s Head of Ecosystem Management Programme, Neville Ash. “Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change should be included in a post-2012 adaptation framework.”
• Deforestation accounts for 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. “Preventing deforestation and restoring forest areas through REDD can combat climate change in a cost-effective way while generating crucial, additional benefits for indigenous peoples, local communities and biodiversity,” says IUCN’s Director of Environment and Development Stewart Maginnis “REDD must be an integral part of a future climate deal.”

Press Material and Events:
Monday 7 December, Opening Statement
Wednesday 9 December, 10:00, press conference, Indigenous peoples and Climate Change. Press release and case studies.
Thursday 10 December, 10:00, press conference: Ocean Acidification, The Facts. Press release and report.
Friday 11 December, 11:30, press conference: Ecosystem based adaptation, Natures solution for climate change impact. Press release and case studies.
Friday 11 December, afternoon, press trip, ‘Copenhagen kids lowering CO₂ emissions’.
Monday 14 December, 11:30, press conference, Climate Change Impacts on Species – It’s More Than Just the Polar Bear. Press release and case studies.
Tuesday 15 December 9:30, press conference, The Costs of REDD. Press release and report.
Wednesday 16 December, 18:00, photo/filming opportunity around an IUCN members event, ‘Earth Hour: Elephants lit by Solar Power’ at Copenhagen Zoo.
Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 December, daily media brief sent to registered press
Friday 18 December, Closing Statement.

All press conferences will be held in room Asger Jorn, Hall H, Bella Center
Photos/Audio/Video material and a daily diary from Copenhagen are available from:  

Ninni Ikkala, IUCN’s Climate Change Coordinator,  
Claire Parker, Senior Climate Change Policy Consultant  
Stewart Maginnis, IUCN’s Director of Environment and Development,  (for REDD), Carole Saint-Laurent,  IUCN Senior Forest Policy Advisor,  (for REDD),
Neville Ash, IUCN’s Head of Ecosystem Based Management Programme  (for ecosystem-based adaptation),
Carl Gustaf Lundin, head of IUCN’s Marine Programme  (for oceans)
Annelie Fincke, IUCN Social Policy  (for indigenous peoples)
Wendy Foden, IUCN Species Programme  (for species) 

Media Team Brian Thomson, Media Relations Manager , m +41 79 721 8326, e  Pia Drzewinski, Media Relations Officer, m +41 76 505 8865, e