Artículo | 24 Ene, 2019

Caribbean ABS Week: From Global Goals to Local Implementation

Thursday, January 24, 2019, IUCN — Caribbean Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Week will take place within the framework of the multi country project, Advancing the Nagoya Protocol in the Caribbean Region, implemented by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) aimed at generating awareness of and support for the Nagoya Protocol, under the Convention of Biological Diversity.

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Photo: OECS

The project is of a regional nature, funded by GEF with UN Environment as its Implementing Agency, IUCN as its Executing Agency. Project received co-finance from Caribbean governments, regional institutions (OECS), CBD Secretariat and GIZ-ABS initiative. A Regional Steering Committee will be appointed with representation from all project countries, the GEF Implementing Agency, the Executing Agency, and selected regional partners.


Activities for the week will take place in Trinidad and Tobago and will include:

  • Official Opening of ABS Week (January 29, 2019);
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol within the Caribbean Region;
  • A high-level Ministerial Meeting (January 30, 2019);
  • A multi-stakeholder workshop, on various technical, policy and administrative matters related to accessing genetic resources and sharing of the benefits derived from their utilization (January 29, 2019);
  • A Biodiversity Expo (January 29-31, 2019) including cultural presentations; and
  • A School Debating Competition (Thursday, January 30, 2019 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm).


The media, organisations and individuals interested or engaged in the economic valuation of biological resources, promotion of traditional knowledge, herbal practitioners, traders of genetic resources and other members of the public are all invited to visit the biodiversity expo.


Activities will be held from January 29-31, 2019.


The Hilton Trinidad Hotel and Conference Centre, Port of Spain, Trinidad


Domenique Finegan
Nancy Arroyo Monge

For additional Information, please visit the ABS Caribbean website here.