Artículo | 24 Feb, 2008

IUCN Pan-European Newsletter 11: Biodiversity and development

This newsletter issue focuses on Biodiversity and Development, with contributions from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the European Commission and IUCN Members in the EU's Outermost Regions.
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Photo: IUCN

  • Poverty, development and biodiversity (Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations Organization and Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
  • Letter from the Regional Director (Tamás Marghescu, IUCN Regional Director for Europe)
  • News from IUCN Europe
  • IUCN member interview with Benoit de Thoisy (Kwata)
  • From the Field: Managing natural resources
  • Development meets Environment: Interview with Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, and Stavros Dimas, European Commissioner for the Environment
  • View from the world: Protected areas perspectives (Simon Anstey, Regional Programme Coordinator and Tarek Abul-Hawa, Protected Areas Programme Coordinator, IUCN WESCANA)
  • View from the world: Faith in nature conservation (James Morant, Senior Advisor, IUCN USA Multilateral Office)
  • Sustainability in the 21st century
  • Money, money, money... (Hans Friederich, Head, Conservation Finance and Donor Relations, The World Conservation Union, IUCN)
  • IUCN Calendar of Events