Comunicado de prensa | 28 Nov, 2013

Pakistan to host South Asian Environmental Assessment Conference 2013 in Islamabad

Experts to Highlight Need for Inclusion of Strategic Impact Assessment in National Development Planning 

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Photo: IUCN Pakistan

The Government of Pakistan and IUCN are organizing an international conference on environmental impact assessment from December 4-5, 2013 at the Serena Hotel, Islamabad. The theme of the South Asian Environmental Assessment Conference (SAEAC13) is ‘Environmental Assessment: Raising the Bar on Regional Cooperation’.

Delegates from South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and North Americawill include international impact assessment professionals, government representatives, civil society representatives, international organizations, the media, academia and the private sector.

The two-day Conference is being organized under the National Impact Assessment Programme (NIAP) – a joint programme of the Government of Pakistan and IUCN. NIAP was launched in  2009with the aim of contributing to sustainable development in Pakistan by strengthening Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and introducing the concept of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) into Pakistan’s development planning process. The programme is being funded by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) and technical assistance is being provided by the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA).

The Conference will include technical sessions and keynote speeches by experts, government dignitaries and programme officials, as well as five pre-conference training courses that will be conducted by world-renowned experts on impact assessment. A poster competition will also be held on the sidelines.

For further information or interviews, please contact:

George Sadiq
Programme Officer
Education, Communications and Outreach
Cell: 0333-3332127