Artículo | 20 Abr, 2016

New IUCN Publication: Capacity Development Needs and Priorities for Nature Conservation in South-Eastern Europe

This Publication is a contribution to the IUCN project ‘Towards Strengthened Conservation Planning in South-Eastern Europe’ supported by MAVA Foundation.  

This Publication provides a general background to the topic of capacity development and defines what was agreed in the region as the elements of a national system of nature conservation. It presents and analyses the results of the various questionnaires and consultations that were conducted through the project in relation to this assignment and other aspects of the project.

One the basis of these results, 31 recommendations are made for future priorities in capacity development for the countries of the region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). The recommendations are divided in four main groups: General recommendations, Priority topics for capacity development, Development of diverse learning approaches and Development of a study tour.

This Publication is a contribution to the IUCN project ‘Towards Strengthened Conservation Planning in South-Eastern Europe’ supported by MAVA Foundation. The project aims to support national conservation planning systems and implementation processes by assessing the state of nature conservation planning in each of the target countries, and by establishing a regional platform for nature conservation planning and implementation, with a view to defining and implementing regional and national conservation priorities in a complementary way. By supporting the implementation of priority actions at the national and regional level, this project will address some critical gaps in nature conservation in the region.

For more information please contact:
Sanja Pokrajac, IUCN ECARO Programme Officer, Ecosystem Management, email: