
Artículo | 14 Jul, 2016

CEPF and IUCN announce training opportunity for Thailand-based CSOs on project development and proposal writing

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and IUCN Thailand are inviting representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to participate in a training course on “Project development, proposal writing and effective project implementation for biodiversity conservation in Thailand”.

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Photo: CI/CABS

This training workshop aims to build the capacity of CSOs, NGOs, and community organizations in Thailand on project development and proposal writing as well as institutional strengthening and effective project implementation.  

The training event, which will be conducted in Thai and English, will be held on 4-5 August 2016.  We would like to encourage organisations to nominate only ONE representative per organisation for this training application. CEPF will sponsor travel costs and accommodation in Bangkok for the selected organisations. Seats are limited.  

The application deadline is 25 July 2016. The final selection for those eligible organisations attending this workshop will be announced no later than 29 July 2016 at 17h00 ICT.

To download the announcement and other details in Thai, click here.
To download the application guidance in Thai, click here.
To download the draft agenda in English, click here.