Artículo | 02 Ago, 2016

IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management strives to expand worldwide database on Ecosystems

The Chairperson of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Mr. Piet Wit, presented the Comission's work and goals to IUCN Members, Commission Members and staff at the IUCN Country Office, Karachi.

Mr. Wit shared the work of the Commission on Ecosystem Management carried out over the last four years. The Commission works on specific ecosystems, such as wetlands, mountains, and subjects such as fisheries and deep-sea mining, and it has over 20 thematic groups. Some newer thematic groups include arctic ecosystems, nanotechnology and aquaculture. Mr. Wit encouraged Commission Members to come forward with new thematic areas to focus on.

He also highlighted the fact that CEM maintains a Red List of Ecosystems which is compiled using the same scientific rigor and process as that of the IUCN Red List of Species, as well as the importance of inclusive thinking in conservation work which has led to IUCN’s increased role in disaster-risk reduction.

Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, Country Representative, IUCN Pakistan discussed the initiatives of IUCN for protecting ecosystems from coast to mountains, and the significance of IUCN’s role in mainstreaming environmental considerations in development works to be undertaken under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The CPEC is a key area of focus for IUCN Pakistan, and a meeting with relevant stakeholders will take place soon.

Mr. Cheema noted that IUCN’s partnerships with Commission Members in projects has been on the rise, and that about half a dozen projects prepared in the recent past have been in partnership with Commission Members whose numbers have doubled in the last three years.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Mr. Cheema, where he also presented the traditional Sindhi shawl (ajrak) to Mr. Wit and Mr. Muhammad Zaheer Khan, Regional Chair, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, West Asia.


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