Artículo | 25 Nov, 2016

28 new projects to be funded through BEST 2.0

Following a positive and large response to the two calls for proposals launched in 2016 the European Commission has selected 28 new projects - 24 small scale and 4 medium scale - to be funded under the BEST 2.0 Programme. 

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Photo: IUCN

The small grant call targeted the Caribbean and Pacific regions and resulted in the submission of 35 eligible proposals, while 16 eligible proposals were received in response to the medium grant call targeting the Indian Ocean, Polar/Subpolar and South Atlantic regions. All 5 regions will benefit again from at least one project with a total of 19 territories targeted.


Medium Grants


N° of projects to be funded

N° of territories targeted

Indian Ocean






South Atlantic




Small Grants


N° of projects to be funded

N° of territories targeted








The projects aim to achieve tangible results on the ground for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services including ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation. All of the projects are aligned with relevant territorial and regional strategies.


Led by, and involving partnerships between an array of different actors, including international NGOs, territorial governments’ departments, municipalities, local socio-professional associations and local Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations, the projects address a range of issues indicated as priority areas for action in the Regional Ecosystem Profiles. These include the control of invasive alien species, management of marine ecosystems, sustainable use of water resources, restoration of coral reefs and terrestrial ecosystems and the conservation of endangered fauna and flora. A large number of the projects are implemented within priority Key Biodiversity Areas identified in the Regional Ecosystem Profiles. In addition, there is a strong focus on building capacity within the territories as well as communication and outreach activities targeting the general public.


For information on projects funded previously by the BEST Initiative  click here